Tapping with Children

Gwyneth and Linda respond to Osnat’s comment and talk about tapping with children. Our advice is that there is no formula because all children are different. We talk about keeping it simple, fitting the tapping to the child, respecting them and having fun. Tapping can work really quickly with children. This is a big topic and there is lots to say so ask more questions and we will talk some more

Gwyneth Moss and Linda Wood met in 2005 and have been talking and tapping ever since. Now you can join in their Tapping Talks

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The EFT Masters

The History of the EFT Masters Once upon a time Gary Craig founder of EFT, announced that there would be an exam for the top level of skill in EFT and award of the title EFT Master and he appointed Ann Adams to be director of the EFT Masters program.  The first exam group was … Read more

How does EFT work 2

Emotion and Perception

Emotion and Perception:  EFT and CBT EFT makes it a two way street Aaron Beck, one of the founding fathers of cognitive behavioral therapy, said “emotion follows perception” meaning that the way we feel about a situation is a result of the way we perceive it. In this article we will be considering how, with … Read more

Gargoyle and flowers

The EFT Anxiety Gremlin

We all have our anxieties. They pop up in expected and unexpected circumstances, serve a hard ball at us and suddenly there we are, out of control, and anxiety is calling the shots. Its like anxiety never stops playing the game – even when we are off the court and want to relax. Well here is something you can try with EFT  to catch anxiety out and take back control.  Just have a go with a playful attitude.

Tapping for the Anxiety Gremlin, Rue Hass interviews Gwyneth

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