Contact Gwyneth
If you have questions about my EFT therapy sessions, mentoring or training I am happy to answer them. Call me on 44 (0) 1943 600522
If you would like me to come to your part of the country and teach In-House Workshops there is a per person fee and my travel cost. Let me know what you are looking for.
EFT appointments with me are on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, online by Zoom Video Conference or in person at Ilkley Healing Centre, 8 Nelson Road, Ilkley, LS29 8HN. You can use your appointment for personal work, learning EFT skills, professional mentoring, or EFT for Animals. To make an appointment please use the online booking system
If you would like to speak to me first, call 01943 600522.
What I can’t do is give EFT advice on specific cases by email.
Privacy statement below.
Privacy Statement
Here is how personal data is held and processed by my business Emotional Health Ltd. Please use the contact form above if you have any questions, would like to know what data is held or would like your data to be deleted. I may ask you for identification because I do not share any data at all with other organisations or individuals.
EFT Appointments
If you make an appointment with me your contact details and appointment time are stored online in the database of this website which has secure access for myself only.
I assure you of confidentiality and all session notes are handwritten and stored under lock and key. No other person has access to these session notes.
For online appointments by Zoom video conference, I make recordings of the sessions and store these offline on a password protected backup drive. If you want to view your own session recording it will be uploaded to a password protected video streaming service for you and can be removed at your request. No one else will have access. Videos have full privacy settings and cannot be downloaded or embedded so one else can view your recording.
Training courses, workshops and conferences
If you have booked on any of my training courses, workshops, retreats or the EFT Gathering and Masterclass conferences prior to 2020 then your contact details, the information you supplied on booking, and your attendance records were processed by Regonline www.regonline.co.uk a subsidiary of the American group Cvent. Regonline has since been shut down and I no longer have access to your data other than backups which are stored securely offline. For bookings from 2020 onwards data is held in the database of this website and backed up offline.
The EFT Guild
Membership data for members of the EFT Guild is processed by Wild Apricot a Canadian company. No personal information is shared outside the Guild membership other than that which appears on your public profile. Members can login and edit their contact and profile data at any time. Members can decide what information is shown to the public. Here is the Wild Apricot GDPR page.
Payments and Accounting
Payments made by credit card are processed by Stripe www.stripe.com . A few transactions may use Paypal www.paypal.com . For bookkeeping and invoices I use the online service of Pandle www.pandle.com . These organisations will store details of transactions and payments and you can look up their privacy statements. No one else has access to my accounts with these companies.
Emotional Health Ltd.
My business Emotional Health Ltd is the data controller.
+44 (0) 1943 600522
Your Rights
Please contact me if you have any questions or would like to know what data is held or to request to have it deleted. I may ask you for identification. I will not give you access to anyone else’s data and no one else will have access to yours.
I’ve written this statement in plain English and do hope that does not offend the law. My intention is to offer you an honest service and to respect your rights and privacy. You can use the contact form above or email hello@efthelps.com
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