footprint on sand

EFT Practitioners Need Support

Last week I called one of my Level 3 Trainees. She is a highly experienced and skilled psychotherapist who runs a busy local practice. I asked her “Do you do supervision?” “Yes” “Could you supervise me?” “What me? Supervise you?” There was surprise in her voice. So I explained that I needed to change my … Read more

mule lamb looks through wall

EFT helps public speaking

Mother Tongue I recently attended the Milton H Erickson Foundation Brief Therapy conference in Anaheim, California. One evening I found myself in the bar and in conversation with an engaging and intelligent psychotherapist. We spoke about our experiences of the conference and she asked me about my practice in the UK and was very interested … Read more

orange flower green leaves

The Emotional Gardener

Weeding your Emotional Garden with EFT Just as our physical health requires cultivation through good nutrition, rest and exercise, our emotional health requires us to use our imagination and thinking skills and to de-clutter ourselves of emotional baggage. The past is to be learnt from, not lived in. Maintenance of our emotional gardens is a … Read more

Mountain stream over rocks

General can be Specific

Being General to be Specific Being specific is terrific! Many of you will have heard that endorsement and know that we are always being encouraged to get to specific events with EFT. Well, yes, being specific is terrific and Gary’s article in the Tutorial series is a must read for all keen tappers but I’d … Read more

How does EFT work

EFT for a Vague Feeling

How to Handle a Vague Feeling Sometimes we know what the problem is. We know that a certain person or a certain situation gives us a certain feeling – like nervous, frustrated or just plain uncomfortable. But sometimes we don’t know what the problem is or what sets it off, its all very vague and … Read more

Spot the dog on the sofa

Humour for an EFT Skeptic

Can you remember your reaction when you first heard about EFT? Were you a sceptic? I was. When a therapist friend told me that he was getting better results by tapping on people’s faces my reaction was to conclude that he was away with the fairies and to dismiss it completely. Thankfully EFT kept on coming … Read more

Tree trunk and spring leaves

The EFT Tree Metaphor Part 2

Tapping on Trees – Part 2 In my first article in this series I introduced you to the TREE metaphor as means of navigating through an EFT session. The Trunk of the TREE is the trigger, whatever is out there or imagined or remembered to be out there. The Trunk of the TREE connects to … Read more

We are all connected

The EFT Tree Metaphor

Gary Craig compares an emotional problem to a forest of trees. In my teaching I like to extend this metaphor of the trees and the forest to offer my trainees a useful model that can act as a guide to help navigate through an EFT session. Our emotional forests are filled with healthy trees of … Read more

How does EFT work 2

Emotion and Perception

Emotion and Perception:  EFT and CBT EFT makes it a two way street Aaron Beck, one of the founding fathers of cognitive behavioral therapy, said “emotion follows perception” meaning that the way we feel about a situation is a result of the way we perceive it. In this article we will be considering how, with … Read more

The EFT Words that Work

Finding the EFT Words that Work People ask “how do I use EFT to help with….”   This question is often asked with the expectation that there is a library of set-up phrases and if only they can be given the right words then EFT will work wonders for them. Well using EFT effectively isn’t quite … Read more

Sky is blue behind the clouds

Positive EFT thoughts

Everyone wants to ‘Tap In” the Positives. Of course we do, the positives are the outcome we want.  And no one wants to focus on the negative – but stay with me because when you truely understand the real skill of EFT you understand that the magic of EFT is being able to safely and … Read more

Gargoyle and flowers

The EFT Anxiety Gremlin

We all have our anxieties. They pop up in expected and unexpected circumstances, serve a hard ball at us and suddenly there we are, out of control, and anxiety is calling the shots. Its like anxiety never stops playing the game – even when we are off the court and want to relax. Well here is something you can try with EFT  to catch anxiety out and take back control.  Just have a go with a playful attitude.

Tapping for the Anxiety Gremlin, Rue Hass interviews Gwyneth

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