EFT Therapy with Gwyneth
EFT is a therapeutic tool that we use together to clear the emotional imprints of shock and stress and to open up possibilities of a compelling future. An EFT session is not like psychotherapy or counselling. We will talk but we won’t analyse or interpret. We’ll use words to focus on the images and sensations of your subjective experience in order to change it. At the same time as we talk you will tap on a few points on the face and body.
The result is that events of the past are not forgotten but they no longer grip you. You find that you can respond to present day triggers with reasoned choice rather than automatic and uncontrolled reaction. As the emotional resonance fades so your perspective can change. The beauty of the process is that these cognitive shifts come from you, not from any suggestions made by the therapist.
Its natural to be sceptical because how can tapping on the skin make a difference to deeply held issues. However, many people who have been sufficiently open-minded to try an unconventional approach, have found EFT to be refreshingly different and surprisingly gentle. Any explanation of EFT is unlikely to make sense until you have tried it.
If you have tried tapping for yourself and found no change then a session with an experienced practitioner can make a difference. The skill of EFT is not in the tapping but in how we use words to get into the structure of an issue and focus on the details. That is what makes the extraordinary and effortless shifts in consciousness. Gwyneth’s personal EFT sessions include instruction to help you better help yourself with EFT.

Who is EFT for?
EFT is Everybody’s Freedom Techniques. People younger than 8 and older than 80 have benefited.
EFT is for when our behaviours, thoughts, emotions and health are out of synch with what is actually happening. For when the past is intruding into the present and colouring the future.
Painful memories, times of intense shock or prolonged stress, stick with us and shape our present behaviour and health. By clearing the imprints of such stress, EFT can have remarkable effects. EFT can take us from re-living the past to re-telling. Not forgotten but not needing to be remembered. Behaviour, beliefs and relationships can then change.
EFT and Mental Health
If what you are experiencing has been given a serious mental health diagnosis then it is still worth trying EFT as part of your treatment programme. However you may need to find a qualified mental health professional who is experienced in using EFT. Most EFT practitioners are ordinary people who have learned how to use an extraordinary tool. They are skilled and caring, yet would be out of their depth with complex psychiatric conditions.

Gwyneth’s EFT Experience
Gwyneth says: Before EFT changed everything I studied and qualified in a range of modern talk therapies namely: Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, NLP and the Human Givens approach to Psychotherapy but I am not a mental health professional. My first degree is a Cambridge Physics degree and my second, a Cranfield MBA.
What matters more than certificates is that I have masses of good northern common sense inherited from my grandmother and a scientific mind and education – the gift of my mother.
EFT found me in 2001 and provided and endless journey of curiosity and learning. In 2004 the AAMET made me a trainer and in 2005 Gary Craig and Ann Adams awarded me the EFT Masters certificate. Each year I present at international conferences and am always learning and understanding more.
Appointments with Gwyneth
In-person appointments, EFT in Ilkley or Online EFT sessions by Zoom video conference. Times are UK times.
Ilkley is just to the north of Leeds and Bradford and is easily reached by train. Ilkley Healing Centre, 8 Nelson Road, LS29 8HN is close to the railway station and the centre of town.
Use the online booking system to make either an in-person appointment in Ilkley or an online appointment. If there is anything you would like to ask me first, my phone number is 01943 600522 or Contact Gwyneth
Make Your EFT Appointment
Kind Words from Clients
“Thank you for such an extraordinary time of emotional healing in such a short space of time. I feel so different, so calm and much more solid and peaceful! No Anger! I can truly feel the difference your tapping has made to the issues I brought along. I am very grateful for your inspired approach with EF
“Thank you again for the past four weeks of EFT. I cannot believe how short a time I am noticing and experiencing differences for the better. After feeling so “stuck” over the last 3 years, it is such a relief to get to the point where it now feels like I have some clearance – and some clarity – and am really starting to find me again! I shall continue tapping and using the techniques you have gone through with me – thank you so much.”
“The tapping we did before my epic journey to New Zealand was a great success and I was calm for every one of the many take offs and landings. I shall certainly tap now for other situations where I feel nervous, thank you so much”
“I’ve fallen in love for the first time! Where did all that sexual confusion go? Rejection is no longer life threatening! This tapping is so amazing”
“Our sessions put me on the road to understanding my self and the chronic tension in my shoulders is released.”
“I am now competing more strongly and my times are surprising me and my team.”
“Life is improving week on week and the methods you taught me remain a source of strength and calm. Life is richer and more even in every way becoming something I don’t fear or see as an intractable conundrum. I owe you!”
“I just seem to be improving each day after the session with you and feel positive that I can soon alleviate the symptoms if they arise. I am taking a very proactive approach to improving my overall well-being which includes EFT every day.”
“For the first time in my life, I feel comfortable in my own skin.”