Tapping Talk with Gwyneth and Linda

Tapping Talk Begins
Linda Wood and Gwyneth Moss talk tapping Linda and Gwyneth have been talking tapping transatlantic for years, they invite you to listen in to their conversations

EFT and Brainwaves
What we learned about EFT from observing Brainwaves We both learned a lot about how consciousness operates and how to be more effective with EFT from observing EFT sessions with live EEG brainwave monitoring. Not only did we see the effects of tapping made visible but what we observed made us more skilled practitioners.

Head Cases
Gwyneth Moss and Linda Wood discuss their answer to Geraldine’s comment asking about how to use EFT with people who feel little emotion and live in their heads

Duality Tapping
Linda Wood talks with Gwyneth about her Duality Tapping protocol. Duality is about opposites and Duality Tapping is a process which uses opposites to dissolve the conscious and unconscious tension between desire and fear. Gwyneth says “duality tapping is an extraordinary process and I must remember to use it more”

Tapping with Children
Gwyneth and Linda respond to Osnat’s comment and talk about tapping with children. Our advice is that there is no formula because all children are different. We talk about keeping it simple, fitting the tapping to the child, respecting them and having fun. Tapping can work really quickly with children. This is a big topic and there is lots to say so ask more questions and we will talk some more Gwyneth Moss and Linda Wood met in 2005 and have been talking and tapping ever since. Now you can join in their Tapping Talks

Surrogate Tapping
Following on from our talk about tapping with children we talk about surrogate or distance tapping which is going to sound crazy to some people but we have lots of experience of this effect. Surrogate tapping is a skill and there is a process. We share some stories and give an overview of the three phase process

Get out of your own way
We are told that to be skilled at EFT we need to get out of our own way. But what do we mean by that and how do we do it. Gwyneth and Linda talk about how to be curious, unattached to the outcome, and not make assumptions. When we get out of our own way where the tapping leads can be surprising and that is the best sign that you have indeed got out of the way. Gwyneth and Linda met in 2005. They have been talking tapping ever since. Now you can listen in on their tapping talks.

Symptom Stories
The story is in the symptom. And how do you find it? Linda Wood and Gwyneth Moss discuss using EFT to help a wheat intolerance issue and a couple of skin cases. The answer as usual is curiosity and getting out of the way. With patience and persistence patterns and connections will emerge. Gwyneth and Linda met in 2005. They have been talking tapping ever since. Now you can listen in on their tapping talks.