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EFT Training Level 1 Weekend
27,March, 2021 @ 9:00 am – 28,March, 2021 @ 5:00 pm GMT

Four, three hour live training modules taught over the weekend 27/28 March by top trainer Gwyneth Moss. Backed up by an extensive library of resources and support.
£240 for EFT Guild members and £290 for non-members including membership
EFT helps you to help your clients calm down, get free of the past and let go of stress. An increasing body of research shows that as a trauma release technique EFT is comparable in effectiveness to EMDR. For counsellors, psychotherapists, coaches, body-work therapists, teachers and other people helpers EFT has some advantages:
- Clients generally like tapping and adapt well to using it
- They can use self-help and first-aid tapping between sessions
- CBT and person centred principles are easily integrated
- Tapping can be used in the immediate aftermath, or even during an incident
- Tapping works really well for online consultations
- Group work is effective, well liked and expands your reach
You can learn how to start helping others in this four session weekly live training. Follow on from this with Level Two then Certification coaching to gain EFT International Accredited Certification as an EFT Practitioner.
This EFT Level 1 course is the first step towards certification and teaches:
- without words tapping and when to use it
- tapping with words and where the words come from
- using EFT to let go of everyday annoyances
- clearing the effects of shocks and single incident trauma
- applying EFT to the shock and stress held within physical tension and symptoms
- releasing compulsions and cravings
Or get in touch for a friendly chat with Gwyneth CONTACT