Surrogate EFT Helps Animals
Gwyneth says: EFT for animals came as a great surprise to me. Behavioural change in an animal, at a distance, facilitated by strangers tapping, challenged my acceptance of what is possible. I’ve been using EFT to help animals for ten years now, with usually immediate and dramatic change in the animals and often change for the people tapping too. Tapping for animals is also the way to learn distance (or surrogate) tapping techniques and powerful borrowing benefits. Read the heart-warming and moving stories on this page.
How do we use EFT to Help Animals
I developed the three phase Distance EFT technique to help use EFT to help animals and others at a distance. The technique helps you to find the words, get out of your own way, and tune into the experience of the animal.
Unfortunately animals can be traumatised by well intentioned humans as well as by deliberate cruelty. Through our tapping sessions common themes emerge such as: early separation from the litter; fear of being returned to a rescue centre; confusion about what is required of them; being parted from an owner or sale of an animal companion. It is humbling how quickly an animal comes to forgiveness.
You can learn how to use EFT for Animals by booking a session with Gwyneth or coming on her EFT for Animals workshop.
Surrogate Tapping Presentation
Gwyneth presented at the EFT Spring Energy Conference in New York 2014. She explains how EFT helps at a distance, how we can tap for animals and others. Plus a full demonstration for Stephan Gonick’s cat that steals food from the table. Feedback after the event is that the cat no longer steals food and is much calmer.
Tiki the Akita and Poppy

Tiki was very aggressive towards one Karin Davidson’s employees but fine with everyone else. He is a big powerful dog and the poor man found it very intimidating. Listen in to the audio below as Karin, in Philadelphia, and I tap for Tiki and uncover a tragic memory. The outcome is that Tiki still gives his usual ‘someone’s here’ warning bark when that particular man arrives but then settles down with just a token growl and leaves the poor man in peace to get on with his work.

Months later when I’d uploaded the Tiki audio to the website Fiona Lewis in Sheffield listened to our session for Tiki. She was listening on headphones and tapping along with Karin and I. Poppy her neurotic collie slept peacefully by the fireside. As she tapped Poppy woke up and came over to her. Read the surprising outcome in Fiona’s article, the next day the neighbours notices and commented that Poppy was calmer, and ever since Poppy has been better behaved and much less manic.
Read Fiona’s account of: My Mad Collie
Trixie Jumps Up

Trixie would jump up on everyone who visited the house or when out walking. She was particularly a nuisance at meal times when she would jump up at the table.
Bridget says: On arriving home after our EFT session, I was greeted by a very calm Trixie. After our meal my daughter said: “First time ever Trixie hasn`t jumped up at the table whilst we have being eating.” I took Trixie for a walk and she didn`t jump out at any one! All week now I feel she is just very loving but without the jumping up. Thanks to all the tappers this has really helped Trixie ,myself and the family. With love Bridget and Trixie xx
Princess Won’t be Held

Princess would not let Amy, a veterinary nurse, pick her up and hold her. We tapped for Princess’s fear which was due to Amy smelling of the vet’s surgery and Princess’s memories of being spayed.
Amy says: “Something I thought would never happen! Princess lets me pick her up! Here’s photographic evidence for this! She seems to have chilled out so much since last week and has spent the last three days following me round the house and has also slept every night on my bed only leaving when I throw her off! Thank you Gwyneth and Heather she is a changed cat and I love her!”
Mini Pees on the Floor

Mini was highly excited when anyone visited and would jump up barking at the door and then pee on the floor. Gwyneth and Lili Betancourt used tapping for Mili, first by telling the facts of what happens and what it is like for all concerned.
Then Lili role played her pet and remembered Mini’s memory of being left in the pet shop and no one came to buy her. Mini became lonely and desparate and didnt learn when and when not to pee. With tapping the intensity of the ‘memory’ dropped, Lili felt at peace. When Lili returned home that night Mini greeted her calmly and there have been no peeing incidents since. Read Mini’s full story
Stella Growls at Children

All sweetness with adults, Stella the chihuahua would bark and growl when young children came to visit. Lesley and Gwyneth tapped for Stella and uncovered memories of being the smallest dog in the rescue centre and being very scared and lonely.
Lesley realised that Stella was worried that she would reject her little dog in favour of the children. Stella was terrified of being sent back to the rescue centre. As we tapped together these fears faded and Stella became confident of Lesley’s love. As you can see from the photo, Stella is now relaxed around small children.
Can tapping or a type of reflexology be used for relieving arthritic pain for senior dogs?
We never know what the outcome will be when we offer healing to animals. They may take it they may not. We have to be unattached to the outcome. Distant Tapping or Surrogate Tapping is an offer of healing its not a treatment that is ‘done’ to the other. Surrogate tapping is well worth a try, there is nothing to lose. But remember that old age is not natural to animals. Animals in the wild do not suffer old age.